Tributes - Rami Makhzoumi

    Writing to wish you a Happy Birthday Mak….. Miss you loads and think about you every day habibi

    Fouad Dajani - Family

    We never lose the person we loved their memory stays forever in our heart.

    jihad abozolof - Colleague


    An ideal life, is one that fails to exist, it is merely one that takes a lifetime to travel to. If I was to see that ideal in the distance, my mission becomes my journey, the road to that destination.

    I pray that I will reach my destination, if not to see it close in this life, to live it in the afterlife.

    To travel on this journey, I need the fuel to power my mind, heart, body and soul in order to reach my destination. That fuel is my principles, my values, and my ethics. The more I can live my life by these beliefs, the quicker perhaps I can achieve my purpose and arrive at my destination.
    My Values:

    1. To balance and give dues to the three major components of my life: RELIGION-which embodies the following two: FAMILY AND WORK.
    2. To live my life, ho w I wish others to live theirs
    3. To want for others what I want for myself
    4. To achieve the legacy of effective leadership and act a s a guide to my peers
    5. To be fair and honest regardless…
    6. To give my health and body its deserved rights
    7. To be with Allah’s will, a helper for his servants on this earth
    8. To be of the dwellers of Paradise.

    RAMI 2004


    MUM - Family

    Happy Birthday Rami…on this day…we shall celebrate your birth…and mourn your death brother. You were the only brother I had…& when you died,a part of me..a lot of me died with you.I am blessed to have Baba & Mama…but when u passed away..loneliness,fear & uncertainty shook me. I knew I would have no one there anymore to turn to especially when (God forbid & may they live healthy & strong)our parents also will pass..

    But God blessed our parents with your birth into this life…and celebrated Your life for 32 years & I was blessed to have a brother & know what it felt like to be loved as a sister..which I will forever miss so dearly but forever shall be grateful for feeling..we are blessed to have you still in our lives through your children.

    I may never be as Great as u nor ever compare to you even by a fraction nor 1%..

    But I promise you I will forever dedicate my life to them & try my hardest to fulfil their lives with joy & love as you did & continue your teaching & beliefs esp in God as you did.

    Death is part of Life and the Circle of Life….it is eminent that death shall end our journey after living… Being born is a Blessing but a curse…as your destiny shall be death & one never knows “when,how & why”….but you showed us why its important to give your best to this life and be the best you can & always be better, something you did so well.

    You forever shall be an inspiration to others to us, & to your children.

    I know this is Life…this is where we will all come to at the end…whenever that is.

    One never can be prepared for losing a loved one nor even if there persons are ill, let alone to lose your loved one so suddenly as we lost you..nor will I be ok or ever believe that you truly are no longer here on earth.

    A dream lost & a nightmare that shall never end.

    I never knew a person can live in shock…it turns out you can….& I still am & will always be.

    I know your destiny was in the hands of God and you lived here ,as you believed & said, temporarily before finding your destiny which is to live to die and be closer to God where your journey truly then will begin.

    Heaven is lucky to have you..and we were lucky to also have had you,though we didn’t get enough of you.

    I miss you.

    I love you,

    May You Rest In Peace..

    Forever Your LiL’ Sister…Camo.

    Camo - Family

    How I wish I have known you before you leave this material world, but i know for sure the legacy of your energy will live in us, on & on…. The more I get to know about you and your life the more I get inspired, God Bless Your Soul Sheikh Rami, Rest in PEACE.

    Love is Patience & Hope even for the hopeless,
    Peter Jam

    Peter Jam -

    رحمة الله عليك يا رامي.
    it’s just not the same without you around

    Anonynmous - Other Tributes

    I miss you a lot the sadness in me can’t be filled the time I passed through without you was like a little boy lost in the desert but your sister and your daughters were very supportive in the endthis is life this is what god wanted and if I had one wish and one wish only I would wish for you to be here. RIP Rami a great leader and a true freind.

    Rami fakhoury - Family

    Gone but never Forgotten, Rest Well 🙂

    Shirley - Other Tributes

    I miss you Bro !

    Nuri - Friend

    thanks our Rami Mum , dont worry our mum we know that no one like Rami for you because he is your real son , but you can assume me your son too , God bless Rami Soul and this is the fate

    thanks Mum

    Eng. Hussein Munther
    Future Pipe -Oman

    Hussein Munther -

    Happy Fathers Day !!!! from down here your kids send their love to you… they miss you a lot and every day we talk about you ,and remember you in all stages of your life… but they always want to hear funny stories !!! we have an abundance of anectode to tell them, and as they grow the stories will be different but the passion will remain.

    To day May posted this on her phone:


    How true !!! Rami did live life to the utmost !!! and the girls watched , joined & enjoyed.. they learned a lot from him.. he has embedded a lot of good things in their heart and mind.

    As years pass they will keep watching him live through his legacy, through the things he has done, and said… they learn from the things that people said about their father, and they will grow knowing that the yhave a great man , a father that touched so many hearts and lives , a father that to him they were the most preciuos things in life, whom he wanted to spend much time with them….

    God have chosen to have him by his side… God has chosen that his girls stay by our side, its a wisdom we can not argue, but HIS MERCY will guide us through…

    Love you Rami and miss you more and more every day…

    your ever loving Mum

    Rami’s Mum - Family

    نا على يقين تام بأن هذا الكلمات قد كتبها قبلى رجل فاضل ولكن وجدت فيها حلاوة الدعاء فأرجوان تتقبلوها
    مرت سنة كلحلم مرت سنة على رحيلك يا غالي و انت بقلوبنا و عقولنا العين تدمع و القلب يحزن واننا على فراقك يا رامي لحزنين و انني ادعو لك و لوالدي و للأمواتنا المسلمين بهذا الدعاء
    اللهم صبر والديه و اقاربه و عائلته و ذريته آمين
    اللهم اغفر لحينا وميتنا وصغيرنا وكبيرنا وذكرنا وأنثانا
    اللهم من أحييته منا فاحييه على الاسلام ومن توفيته منا فتوفه على
    اللهم اغفر لجميع موتى المسلمين الذين شهدو لك بالوحدانيه ولنبيك بالرساله وماتو على ذلك اللهم اغفر لهم وارحمهم وعافهم واعف عنهم وأكرم نزلهم ووسع مدخلهم واغسلهم بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقهم من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الابيض من الدنس
    اللهم وانزل على قبورهم الضياء والنور والفسحة والسرور وجازهم بالحسنات إحسانا وبالسيئات عفوا وغفرانا حتى يكونو في بطون الالحاد مطمئنين وعند قيام الاشهاد من الامنين وبجودك ورضوانك واثقين والى اعلى علو درجاتك سابقين برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
    اللهم انقلهم جميعا من ضيق اللحود ومراتع الدود الى جنات الخلود في سدر مخضود وطلح منضود وظل ممدود وماء مسكوب
    اللهم لا تفتنا بعدهم واغفر لنا ولهم
    اللهم وارحمنا اذا صرنا الى ما صارو اليه تحت الجنادل والتراب وحدنا
    اللهم وارحمنا اذا كفنونا
    اللهم ارحمنا اذا حملونا على اكتافهم وساروا بنا الى قبورنا واغلقو ابوابها
    اللهم فاجعل قبورنا روضة من رياض الجنه ولا تجعلها حفرة من حفر النيران
    اللهم ارزقنا قبل الموت توبة وعند الموت شهادة وبعد الموت جنة ونعيما
    اللهم مر ملك الموت ان يكون عند قبض ارواحنا رحيما وعند نزعها شفيقا
    الهم هون علينا سكرات الموت
    اللهم ياسمع الصوت وياسابق الفوت وياكاسي العظام لحما بعد الموت نعوذ بك اللهم من عذاب القبر ومن سؤال منكر ونكير ومن اكل الديدان وبيض وجوهنا ويمن كتبنا وثبتنا على الصراط حتى لا نهوي على رؤسنا
    اللهم فاصرف عنا عذابها ان عذابها كان غراما انها ساءت مستقرا ومقاما
    اللهم ان بشرتنا لا تقوى عليها
    اللهم ان وجوهنا لا تقوى عليها
    اللهم ان جنوبنا لا تقوى عيلها
    اللهم ان ظهورنا لا تقوى عليها
    اللهم انا نسألك بوجهك الكريم ان تعيذنا من نارها وحرها
    اللهم انا نسالك بوجهك الكريم الجنه ونعوذ بوجهك الكريم من النار
    اللهم اجعلنا ممن يمشي على الصراط سريعا فينجو من حرها ولهبها الى جنات النعيم ولا تجعلنا ممن يهوي فيها برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
    اللهم اجعلنا ممن دعاك فأجبته وتضرع اليك فرحمته وسألك فأعطيته وتوكل عليك فكفيته والى حلول دارك دار السلام أدنيته يا جواد جد علينا وعاملنا بما انت اهله فإنك أهل التقوى وأهل المغفره برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
    أسال الله العظيم رب
    العرش العظيم أن يتقبل منا ومنكم

    Hassan - Other Tributes