Tributes - Rami Makhzoumi

    when we lose someone we love
    and give him away
    what moves through us
    is silence, a quiet sadness
    longing for one day
    we look in memories
    to confront our tomorrow
    it is difficult to see beyond our love and sorrow
    you are my horizon
    which shed a bright new day
    everytime the sun comes up
    and I dream of tomorrow
    I pray that i can see you
    every second of the day.

    GOD bless you.

    M Mustapha Makhzoumi - Family

    Seven more days for your one year memory which felt like years which never ended. Miss you more day by day scond by scond. We know that you are not present physically, but you are present in our hearts and minds . we miss having a great leader a great friend and excellent idol . You left us too soon we could not prevent it . May you reset in peace Rami MAKHZOUMI

    Zaki fakhoury - Family

    dear Rami

    we cant image how things can be happen in this way?! but we still believe in the feat, you are our friend , brother, teacher and you are the all .

    with your vision we get more and more development and we promise you to spend even our heart to achieve your goals .

    God Bless your Soul

    Hussein Munther
    Future Pipe Industries- Oman

    Hussein Munther Hussein - Friend

    Dear Fouad and May
    I am writing this to let you know that Ghida and I were thinking about you and your family today.
    It has been one year since Rami left and found his own resting place.It’s never easy for those left behind,but when you lose someone so senselessly and unexpectedly,we all feel the shock.May it help to know how many people share your sorrow and stand with you in your time of need.
    In every memory Love lives on.

    Sami and Ghida Bilani - Family

    Dear Rami, I often wonder why you left this earth so soon… It`s so difficult to accept … but eventually we surrender to the will of GOD ALMIGHTY … My thoughts and prayers are continuously with your Dear Parents… May GOD`s Grace strengthen them and May the love of GOD enfold them during their journey … I miss you dearly and your beautiful memory will always be in my heart … “GOD bless your soul and keep you in His tender care and love for all eternity”

    Sallama Namani - Family

    Already one year passed, time is like nothing regards bros………..

    Jad harik - Friend

    أتمنى من جميع الأخوة الأفاضل الدعاء لفقيدنا الغالى عسى الله أن ينفعه بالدعاء
    وأن يلهم عائلته الصبر والسلوان
    اللهم يا حنان يا منان يا واسع الغفران اغفر له و ارحمه و عافه و أعف عنه و أكرم نزله و وسع مدخله و

    اغسله بالماء و الثلج و البرد و نقه من الذنوب و الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس
    اللهم أبدله داراً خيراً من داره و أهلاً خيراً من أهله و زوجاً خيراً من زوجه و أدخله الجنة و أعذه من عذاب
    القبر و من عذاب النار
    اللهم عامله بما أنت أهله و لا تعامله بما هو أهله
    اللهم أجزه عن الاحسان احساناً و عن الاساءة عفواً و غفرانا
    اللهم ان كان محسناً فزد فى حسناته و ان كان مسيئاً فتجاوزعن سيئاته يا رب العالمين
    اللهم أدخله الجنة من غير مناقشة حساب و لا سابقة عذاب اللهم آنسه فى وحدته و آنسه فى وحشته و آنسه
    فى غربته
    اللهم أنزله منزلاً مباركاً و أنت خير المنزلين
    اللهم أنزله منازل الصديقين و الشهداء و الصالحين و حسن أولئك رفيقا
    اللهم اجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنه و لا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار
    اللهم افسح له فى قبره مد بصره و افرش قبره من فراش الجنة
    اللهم املأ قبره بالرضا و النور و الفسحه و السرور
    اللهم انقله من مواطن الدود و ضيق اللحود الى جنات الخلود
    اللهم ارحمه تحت الأرض و استره يوم العرض و لا تخزه يوم يبعثون
    اللهم يمن كتابه و يسر حسابه و ثقل بالحسنات ميزانه و ثبت على الصراط أقدامه و اسكنه فى أعلى الجنات
    فى جوار نبيك و مصطفاك
    اللهم امنه من فزع يوم القيامه و اجعل نفسه آمنةً مطمئنةً و لقنه حجته

    jihad abozolof - Friend

    اللهم ارحمه وادخله فسيح جناتك واجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة وتجاوز عن سيئاته وزده فى حسناته وثقل موازينه وارزق اهله الصبر والسلوان

    Hassan - Other Tributes

    Tarek Jaber said you are with us in spirit ! yes habibi you are always…All your friends were at Karim Nsouli wedding and a tribute was paid to you. As karim promised he wore your White Necktie !!!

    For us it was very emotional, seeing all the boys and not you around… I could hear your laugh, I could see you dance, simply I could see you there ………

    Your girls were your ambassodors !!!!!!!! they joined Karim & Zeina in their celebration , and spent time with Saif, Thaline, Toufic, Fouad, Nouri and ………

    I only wish you were there tooooooo, but Alas , you are watching from up there smiling and saluting every one…

    You are visiting through the dreams we have, and every one says how peaceful & happy you are ….

    May God gives your soul the rest , peace and rahma and give you light all along……….

    Love you Mum

    May F Makhzoumi - Family

    It’s March already and I still wonder if it’s a nightmare or a bad dream…..I think of you every day, every step I make…..How I wish you were here, i wish I could here your laughter again. I miss you and it still hurts so much

    Rona - Friend

    I check the website on regular basis, and today i cannot believe that soon will be one year as Rami left with peace. His voice alawys in my ears. God bless your soul Rami……..

    Mohamad Badran

    Mohamad Badran - Other Tributes

    I havent meet Mr. Rami. I’m just any other person who passes by FPI here in ICAD1. When I browsed the website (year 2008), I was very impressed that FPI’s top leader is very young, just a few years older than me.
    And now it saddens me to see that he is gone, yet he left a legacy and inspiration to those who had known him.
    I find his life’s biography very inspiring. He is a very good example of a young leader, passionate thinker but never forgets to have a heart.

    Stein - Other Tributes