SIR RAMI MAKHZOUMI. He is like a rose flower giving to every one a good smile.I cannot forget his love and kindness. Not only SIR RAMI, ALL the family. V V V nice. I never forget his face.
On several occasions I have tried to find the right words to share on this wall and struggled. I’ve started to type and deleted so many times. I’m beyond heartbroken by this news. The feeling of sadness comes in waves like an aggressive ocean, that draws near and clears away again.
Rami was a force of nature. It’s as simple as that.
Leader of the pack, from the youngest of age, not only in his business. He was not text book what so ever, and that’s why people loved him so much, he was real. My childhood sweetheart, who I will and could never forget. He was one of the first people to contact me when my father died, and his words of kindness will always remain with me.
I’m so happy that he found love, and has 3 lovely girls, as a family is all he ever really wanted and I can only hope that they will grow up hearing how incredibly kind and funny their father was, and know the positive effect he had on people. He was a magnet like that, people loved to be around him.
The only solace I can get from all of this is that he is in the same place as my father. There is something comforting in that, that they are not alone. They are with others that we have loved and lost.
To Umoo Fouad, May, Camelia & Tamara, I’m so sorry. Please know that my heart reaches out to you all. Maybe in time when your wounds have healed a little, and you’re in London I can come and visit you to pay my condolences.
I met Rami for around 15 mins but I believe that he was a great man. He was in pain but so calm, I will never forget his smile that was mixed with so many questions about his condition as if he was aware about what will happen…
Rest in peace Rami.
Life is short … it was big shock for me.
My heart broke when I heard of the death of the young man.
Really he was a great man, god bless his soul.
We love you Rami. We will miss you.
I have not had the honor and chance to meet and know Rami personally before his passing but have know his parents very well over the past few years. I am really lost for words and feel with Fouad and May and Rami’s family on this tragedy. I can’t imagine what they are going through now. My family has read the ‘fatihah’ on his soul and wishes him to rest in peace. I am certain that Rami will always be remembered always as great man who loved and respected people and his environment very much like what I know Fouad and May do on a daily basis.
I’m not affiliated with Mr Rami at all. I just got the news because FPI is our current vendor and I got intrigued because I was told that the CEO of FPI passed away very young and he just recently received an award of CEO of the year. I checked the picture of Mr Rami and yes indeed, he was young and from these messages I have read from different people, they were consistent and that is……he has a good heart. Rest in peace Mr Rami.
A very nice friend and a good businessman, may Allah bless his soul…
This news was really shocking and I could not believe it. I had worked for Future Pipe Industries from 2005 to 2009 and got few opportunities to meet him. He was an inspiring leader and will be always remembered. May his soul rest in peace.
What a tragic and unexpected loss. I am still in disbelief. I don’t think the reality has hit me just yet. May Allah rest his soul in peace Ameen.
i just want to say may his soul rest in peace. My dad is working with Mr. Fouad Makhzoumi since 22 years in Beirut and i really feel sad for this big loss but we will always remember Rami in our prayers.
I knew Rami when he was a student at the University of Buckingham, and since than we did some business when he first started working. It is a big loss as he had a wonderful personality. Condolence to his family.
Dean M. Junayed Miah
You were and you always will be the magic husband of my cousin, Chiara.