Happy Birthday Rami! I think of you often. You continue to be my greatest inspiration. Thank you
Rami, You are truly a great man and an inspiration to all. I truly would have loved to work with you. I will make you and your famliy proud in Baton Rouge.
You were the reason I joined FPI and you are the reason I am still here, your vision of what could be continues to inspire me. Many a time when I am facing a challenge I ask myself “What would Rami think? What would he do?” You are in my heart and I miss you. May your soul rest in peace.
Has struck me from the sadness and misfortune Vlatyoso God hears your prayers
I think about you every day; it’s still hard to believe….the memories are all too alive. it’s been 3 years now and I still can’t believe that I’m never going to see you again. The last time we spoke was minutes before the accident, you wanted to confirm the details of your trip…who would have known that it was the last time i would ever hear your voice. The time I spent working as your assistant were the happiest days of my life. I miss you so much. May you rest in peace….till we meet again.
ا كوكباً ما كان أقصر عمره ### وكذاك عمر كواكب الأسحار
وهلال أيام مضى لم يُـستدر ### بدراً ولم يمهل إلى الأسحار
عجل الخسوف إليه قبل أوانه ### فمحاه قبل مظنة الإبدار
واستُـل من أترابه ولداته ### كالمقلة اسـتُلت من الأشفار
فكأن قلبي قبره وكأنه ### في طيّـه سر من ألأسرار
إن الكواكب في علو مكانها ### لترى صغاراً وهي غير صغار
ولد المعزى بعضه فإذا مضى ### بعض الفتى فالكل في الآثار
أبكيه ثم أقول معتذراً له ### وُفّـقتَ حين تركتَ ألأم دار
جاورتُ أعدائي وجاور ربه ### شتان بين جواره وجواري
Its almost 3 months since I left FPI. And for the first time in my professional life I am experiencing how unprofessional some leaders can be… or may be I am just so used to leaders like you. I never got the chance to thank you for inspiring and teaching us how great leaders should be. May Allah bless you and give us courage to be like you!
Bonjour Vous resterais toujours dans notre cœur Car vous êtes un homme bien et d une famille bien Ce que je peu dire que tes enfants sont entrain de Grandir et ils vont jamais t’oublier Je parle car moi aussi j ai perdu ma femme quand mes Enfants avais 4 et 6 ans il ya environ 12 ans Maintenant Dieu merci Smail oularbi FPI ALGERIE
le grand bonjour a papa et mama
I pray to God to rest your soul peace
Hussein Munther FPI-Oman
May his soul rest in peace forever…!!!
We never lose the person we loved their memory stays forever in our heart.
بمناسبة ذكرى الاسراء و المعراج ادعو كافة اصحاب و محبين و زملاء اخينا المغفور له الحاج رامي المخزومي ، بالصلاه على روحه الطاهره و قراءة ما تيسر من القرآن لروح نبينا و روح زميلنا رامي و ان لا ننساه من كريم الدعاء
رحمة الله عليك يا زميلنا الحبيب رامي مخزومي
المهندس : حسين منذر شركة المستقبل للانابيب- سلطنة عمان