‘The Rami Makhzoumi Scholarship Fund’ and ‘The Rami Makhzoumi Leadership Award’ launched at International College in Beirut, Lebanon.
International College held a reception on 28th October, 2011 to launch ‘The Rami Makhzoumi Scholarship Fund’ and ‘The Rami Makhzoumi Leadership Award’. The ceremony was held on campus at the house of the school’s President, John Johnson. The reception was attended by the Makhzoumi family, President Johnson, IC board members, IC scholars, IC faculty and friends of the family.
In his speech at the reception, Fouad Makhzoumi said “…unfortunately my children lost out on IC, as war took us abroad in 1975 and they did not have the privilege of experiencing life on campus. But my son Rami, may he rest in peace, decided to move back to Lebanon and enroll his girls at IC – May, the eldest enrolled last year, Yasmeena and Nour enrolled this year as per his last wish. It was actually he who initiated, early 2011, the endowment for scholarship and a yearly award, with emphasis on Leadership and Excellence.”
Mr. Makhzoumi ended his speech by thanking Presdient Johnson, the IC Board and Moufid Beydoun (Vice President for Alumni and Development) for taking the time to share the occasion with the Makhzoumi family.
Fouad Makhzoumi’s speech transcript[PDF 125KB]
Scholarship fund certificate[PDF 257KB]
Leadership award certificate[PDF 456KB]
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