AUB event to mark the launch of The CEO’s Journey – Rami Makhzoumi’s business biography

Rami Makhzoumi’s business biography, ‘The CEO’s Journey’, is launched at The American University of Beirut (AUB) in an event organised by The Suliman S. Olayan School of Business (OSB) and Hawkamah, the Institute for Corporate Governance on Wednesday 31st October.

The OSB and Hawkamah held the first lecture of the 2012 Rami Makhzoumi Chair in Corporate Governance Series on Wednesday 31st October, the day which would have been Rami’s 35th birthday. Teresa Barger, co-founder and senior managing director of Cartica Capital, gave a lecture entitled “Creating Culture: The Power of Corporate and National Governance to Shape Culture”.

Following the lecture, Rami’s friend Saif Alwan, who worked on the biography project, launched the commemorative edition of The CEO’s Journey – an independent business biography celebrating Rami’s life and many achievements. The book, by business school professor Steven Sonsino and former Financial Times journalist Jacqueline Moore, charts Rami Makhzoumi’s life – from his birth in Riyadh, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to the week of his death when he received the Masterclass CEO of the Year award in Dubai in April 2011.

Rami’s parents, Fouad and May Makhzoumi, distributed copies of the book to those present at the event.


AUB to hold leacture on power of corporate and national governance in creating culture; a book on late Rami Makhzoumi to be launched
[PDF 75KB]


OSB and Hawkamah organised the first lecture of the 2012 Rami Makhzoumi Chair in Corporate Governance Lecture Series and launched. The CEO’s Journey, a business biography celebrating the life and achievements of the late Rami Makhzoumi


Saif Alwan’s speech transcript (English)
[PDF 156KB]

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